After a month and two days we have decided that we're ready to get to blogging again! Things are looking back up for us and I'm ready to add the blog back to my list of things to focus on. I am so excited to be back in the blogging world and can't wait to see how many readers have stuck around!
As today is Tuesday we are kind of starting back up in the middle of the week, which if you know me, just can't happen. I have to be precise and consent in everything I do.

Starting Monday we will get onto a blogging schedule. It will be similar to the one I said we would have before we took our break, however, it will be slightly different. I will post our schedule on Sunday night so everyone will be ready for the new week on Monday.

As for the rest of this week, tomorrow I will post a status about how we have been and what has been going on. Then on Thursday we will post up a giveaway that will close on Monday morning! Just as a welcome back gift from me to y'all! Not sure what it will be set, but I will promise you, it will be great & who knows, I might pick more than one winner!!!!

So I am glad to say I am happy to be back and I hope ya'll are ready for some great blog post, talk to you tomorrow!!!!

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